Dancing in the storm

It was Monday morning and I had my first training session in like 2 years, I thought of every excuse to cancel but finally thought what the hell I may as well start somewhere… Let me tell you back to back pregnancy’s is no joke (my last two girls are 13 months apart), I nearly died just jogging down the road.. I felt fat wobble in all sorts of places, really I tell you even in my ankles…! Yes that’s right I have fat that was wobbling in my ankles, it was rough..!! My skin itched and was so hot, literally I thought i was having an allergic reaction..!! I am sure it was an allergic reaction to exercise but craig says that’s not even possible, I still beg to differ…!!! But the hour passed and I lived to tell the tale… After that I felt like Rocky in the movies, that eye of the tiger feeling.. I achieved it, i survived it… and to celebrate my survival I did what any person would do I washed it down with a woolies chicken pie and coke… hey don’t judge it’s a celebration, being close to deaths door and telling the tale after requires a coke, it’s standard practice amongst us professional and dedicated gym goers hee hee

The beginning of training meant I was ready for the week that’s the main thing, I was motivated and it was going to be a good week.. Little did I know what the gastro virus had in store for me this week… My niece Tamiyah was in town visiting from England so Craig surprised us and booked a night away in sun-city… Bags packed, shades on we hit the road, the weather was good, the body was feeling ready to hit the beach… This is what you need to know about me, in my mind I see myself as way cooler than what I could possibly be,. So one day of training made me Pamela Anderson in Baywatch ready to hit the beach… that’s how I roll hee hee, shorts and a tshirt to cover the bikini while I swim but still Pamela Anderson in my mind Ha ha ha ha… it was the life, chilling on the beach, catching some rays, swimming… ahh life was good..!!

Then night time arrived and it began.. you know I don’t understand why it has to always be the night, in the day you have energy you can deal with the situation but ohh no it has to wait until you in bed enjoying that dream, feeling the mattress caress your body.. That’s the moment it always starts..!! First my niece started to vomit and not once or twice but eight times through out the night, then Cianna started and soon like a pack of dominoes they all went down one by one… and what was a calm night away turned into a frantic morning of trying to get back home and find medicines, bringing down fevers and take kids to the dr’s…

I spent the day consuming vast amounts of sugar in all forms to fight off the fatigue and was on autopilot, it was just go go go… Two kids under two with runny nappies is no joke, there was moments after blow outs i almost considered just throwing away their clothes rather than dealing with having to wash and soak them… Really did they need clothes, after this was all said and done.. Some instances wiping and changing didn’t work, it was a put in the bath and hose the child down situation… We finally got my niece fit enough to travel back to the UK in time, so the airport trip was a nice break from the house..

That’s as far as my bravery went I wasn’t prepared to start changing runny diapers in public toilets so House arrest it was… Having bored kids is one thing, but having bored not feeling well Kids is another thing..!! The whining, the complaining, the crying it’s enough to drive a person to drink or even worse eat copious amounts of doughnuts (there goes my one day of gym ?).. My fabulous friend Kanya who is an awesome vlogger does this really cool thing where every Friday her and her family dance off the weeks stress and swears it’s therapeutic and kept urging us to try it, and I always said I would one day … Then as coincidence would have it under runny tummy house arrest my sister in law Beth sent us this video of Chris Brown dancing with paint.. that sparked the light blub moment in the blurr of runny nappies… let’s just dance in the storm… after all at that point if I didn’t do something to laugh I knew I would cry… so feet in paint we decided to hit a two step..!!

Kanya  my friend you brought sunshine to my storm..!! Shaking a tail feather and letting loose was truly medicine for the soul.. We even had a daddy daughter dance off, it was awesome..!! Maya was throwing it down she really loved it, although I realize we may need to do some hip hop classes ha ha ha …

< em>This is what you need to dance with paint:

• Large pieces of paper, news paper, join paper.. just make it a big enough area to dance on..

• Paint: we used our old faithful dala Liquid tempera (it washes off so easily)

• Cellotape to stick paper down

• Music of your choice

How to do it:

1. Stick the paper down using cellotape.

2. Either put paint in dishes and keep stepping in and out of paint or place paint directly onto the paper. Not too much paint or it will get slippery and then you’ll fall and then it will be an injury then more headaches so for once I am saying less is more ha ha

3. Pump your tunes way up high then shake your tail feather..

I now truly understand the meaning of “life is about learning to dance through the storm” or however it is worded…. the bottom line is sometimes you just have to make the best of a bad situation… So when life hands you shit, take it, embrace, laugh and do what you gotta do to get past it, After all and this too shall pass…

Shit happens people but here’s to hoping this week is less crappy for me and you ha ha ha…


By |2018-08-08T20:58:39+00:00November 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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  1. Carla November 6, 2017 at 8:05 am - Reply

    I just love your writing style!! Perfect way to start the week… With a great chuckle and words of motivation… Here is to a less crappy week!

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