Mini Matisses2019-04-12T16:36:45+00:00

I am a mom to 3 beautiful girls… this blog is my gift to them… may they look back at this and see how much they inspired me to be a better me..!!

You see if the truth be told I have not found adjusting to parenting as easy as those magazines, books and some moms I know make it look… I am that mom who is always searching for lost keys, found in my hand after frantically searching everywhere, late no matter how early I leave the house, wondering where in the diaper bag my wallet or the dummy is… I am constantly wondering if I am doing things right, whether it is breast feeding, milestones, routines, or just actually feeding the children.. you name something I have worried about it or worse phoned or visited specialists about it…

The only time I find I am relaxed is when I do something creative with my kids, we don’t worry about tidying up, whether it’s the right way, or how quickly it was done… we just enjoy and let be… and so began my art journey to consciously include creative aspects into our lives and help me relax and enjoy being a mom more…

My deep appreciation and love for art all began one holiday when my husband took me to Paris…Matisse, Picasso, Degas you name it, I loved it..!! I was in awe of everything, I couldn’t get enough…For me though Matisse stood out the most in my mind, his bold colours and mismatch of patterns made me realize there is so much perfection in imperfection…and so my mom philosophy developed perfectly imperfect art that’s our motto….! Even in imperfection there is always something perfect, A reminder for me to not focus on always trying to be perfect but rather to enjoy the journey and find my version of perfection in my imperfect life..

Hope you’ll be inspired in some way to have a more artful approach to life and enjoy our art journey..




  1. God’s creative power.
  2. A five year old brave super hero who embodies everything awesome and strongly believes you’re never fully dressed without a cape! Most commonly known as #Flash.
  3. A kind and loving soul.
  4. A mini masterpiece.


[pronounce: see-aaa-naa-ah]

  1. God is gracious.
  2. A two year old adventurous spirit who has no fear and believes there are no limits. Answers to the name #CiannaSuSuBums or #Hulksmashit.
  3. A joyous and compassionate soul.
  4. A mini masterpiece.


[pronounce: maaa-tay-yah]

  1. God’s gift.
  2. A one year old natural born leader who posses the special gift of making everyone dance to her tune.. Otherwise known as #TheBossBaby.
  3. A caring and courageous soul.
  4. A mini masterpiece.