Maya the Baker

It’s Sunday and tommorow is my daughters turn to take treats for her class mates and be the baker baker in her class… I have a terrible habit of procrastinating but I’ll work on that tommorow ha ha ha… We were told at the beginning of the year when Maya’s turn would be, and this morning at 6am I was searching for ideas of what to do…

Now this would be easy if:

  1. I could bake.. last time I baked a cake i ended up vommiting and food poisoning myself… don’t ask me how, if I knew I wouldn’t do it again ?
  2. We had a stocked up cupboard.. so to add to my procrastination list, add grocery shopping…
  3. My expert baker of a mother lived closer, but sadly she is in Zambia.
  4. If we were feeding some animal that had a high resistance to toxic waste… not a class full of 4 year old children.
  5. If Maya didn’t have high expectations set from the previous class baker bakers…
  6. If Maya liked sweet things like cakes, chocolate, we could have bought pre made ones and fancied them up… but my child is more a savory person than sweet..

Now did I mention the bar of baker baker had been set, and set high, cup cakes, pizza, biscuits, sheep looking cakes pops, you name something delicious it had been done and so Maya had real big expectations..! Not just any treat would do, she wanted a super hero baker baker treat..!! Ahhhhhhhh so here we are 6am coffee, coffee think more, coffee, twitch from the caffeine think more… then I found this..!!!

Maya doesn’t like rasperberries so we turned it up and put watermelon…Here is the shopping list you need if you want to try this at home:

• Green grapes

• Red grapes

• Watermelon

• Bananas

• Raisins

• Containers for assembly.. preferably circle but the size depends on how big you want to make it..

And here’s my version of how to do it… Once you put the watermelon slice in jam the grapes in and make them fit.. cut them, put them whole.. what ever works do that.. just use 3 to 4 red grapes for the mouth…cut bananas into slits for eyes and then place a raisin ontop for the pupils..

It took us roughly an hour to make 22 of these, but I must add there was a lot of eating, arguing over mask shapes, Maya whining as she was tired, Cianna wanting to be picked up, Mattea wanting to be feed… what we did do though was make Maya do all of them it’s her baker baker so she had to do it…it was a good lesson for her despite the whining… when you start something you should always try to see it to the end…this counts for bars of chocolates too hee hee hee…

And so here one we made earlier..!! Our perfectly imperfect Raphael, Ninja turtle, Super Hero, cowabunga, healthy, perfect for hot summer days and tasty baker baker…

All graped out and ready for bed…

Night night… From our kitchen to yours ?


By |2018-08-08T21:10:20+00:00October 1st, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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  1. Jo-Anne October 2, 2017 at 11:53 am - Reply

    Love it…!!! xxx

  2. maitaskyle October 2, 2017 at 12:17 pm - Reply

    Well done Maya!!! Corey wishes he was in your class. Those look super yum!

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